what is instrumentation


Precision instruments are instruments that are selected and used according to the type of quantity required by the controlled unit, including pressure, temperature, flow, surface and… according to the conditions and standards set. Precision instruments are in fact the infrastructure of a control and automation system and include tools such as: types of sensors, types of controllers, indicators, transmitters, recorders, etc., which are the task of measuring, transmitting, displaying, recording and controlling parameters. They carry the physical important in industrial processes precisely.

Precision instruments can be classified into two types. One in terms of the function of this tool; For example, instruments that control temperature or pressure and humidity or surface are known as controllers, as well as tools for displaying these values, known as indicators, and tools for transmitting value information in the form of standard signals, which are transmitters or transmitters. called .
The instrument can also be categorized in terms of the parameter on which the instrument must operate, for example parts of the instrument related to temperature such as temperature controller, temperature transmitter and thermometer or temperature display, instrument for accurate pressure measurement and control, flowmeter Or measuring the flow of fluids and transferring the values ​​of flow or flow control, level measurement tool or measuring the level of materials inside the tanks and their precise control and speedometer tool, hygrometer tool and ….

Instrument components

The instrument consists of the following three basic parts, which are:

1) Measurement

2) Control

3) Stimuli (output devices)

These three sets together complement a system called automatic control systems, which is responsible for performing process control in an operational set.

1. Gauges
The measuring part measures the actual value of the desired element. Various parameters are measured in industries for control. The most important parameters that are measured in the industry for control are:


Measurement of pressure

Measurement of the temperature measurement of the temperature

Fluid flow measurement of the flow

Measurement of liquids measurement of the level

2. Controllers
The second part is the precision instrument of the control sector. At the beginning of the industry, when control was not as it is today, control was performed by human factors. After a while, with the invention of the transistor, the use of electronic cards for control began. With the emergence of these control components, the use of human agents for control was reduced. Following the development of science, industrial computers entered the industry under the name of plc. With these plcs, units were easily controlled and changes were easily made in the units.
Today, newer controllers called Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and Fuzzy Controllers (FCDs) are responsible for controlling industrial units.

3. Actuators (output devices)
Actuators are devices that receive the output signal from the controller and act in accordance with these signals. The main output devices are control valves and electric motors. With their function, these devices control the parameters measured in the desired value. These devices have a wide range of variety.

Instrumentation engineering Instrumentation engineering is an interdisciplinary science that deals with the measurement of physical quantities of pressure, temperature, surface of materials in vessels and flows, and their control. Instrument engineering is closely related to the field of electrical and electronic engineering due to the presence of electrical sensors.

This trend extensively deals with the design and control of industrial systems. New sensors, transmitters, measuring devices and controllers play a very important role in this trend.

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